- Treatments / Dental Implant
Dental Implant

What are the advantages of a teeth implant?
Dental implants are the most successful treatment procedure applied to compensate for tooth loss today
due to the numerous benefits they provide. The advantages of implant placement are having a natural
smile, being able to communicate and eat again, and saving money.
Permanent: A dental implant can be used just like a natural tooth after it has been safely installed. The implant blends in with the surrounding teeth and has a long service life. Brushing and flossing regularly are enough forms of care. Although implants do not deteriorate, the surrounding teeth are nevertheless susceptible to bacterial infection. It is vital to keep the implant clean, to avoid jawbone infection, and to keep the gums and teeth surrounding it healthy.
Simple to change: One of the most appealing aspects of dental implants is that they are made up of three distinct components: the root, the connection, and the restoration (including the crown). When one of these parts breaks down, instead of completely replacing the dental implant only the broken part is corrected. The crown has the same hardness as a real tooth and, like natural teeth, can be damaged. As a result, it is the most often altered section.
Keeps the jawbone healthy: The implant is the only form of tooth replacement that keeps the jawbone active. Because the titanium alloy pole mixes with the genuine jawbone, it builds the bone and keeps it from deteriorating. This, in turn, helps maintain oral health and the health of the teeth around it.
It makes eating and chewing food easier: Unlike dentures and bridges, eating and chewing food with implants feel the same. This is because implants have a similar feel to real teeth. There is no restriction on what you can eat after the dental implant treatment is completed. You can eat and drink without fear
if you like crispy snacks, items that require chewing, or hot or cold drinks. You just must be careful not to
overdo it on sweets.
Why should I choose to have dental implants in Turkey?
In general, implant prices range between $100 and $500 a month. Implant dental treatment service provided in Turkey is planned by our expert and experienced physicians in the field. It is not correct to give a price before the examination related to this treatment is carried out. Because of the treatment in Turkey, the fee that will be paid does not strain the budget of the patients and has the most affordable price range. It is more expensive to be treated abroad than in Turkey.
Is Dental implant treatment painful?
Dental implant placement can be done under general or local anesthesia, depending on the patient’s preferences. Because of the anesthesia, there is no pain. Because the jawbone and gums are opened after the dental implant application, mild pain may be felt because of this surgical procedure. The pain is reduced after the implant. These discomforts will subside with using medications provided by dentists.

Is pain after dental implants normal?
Pain that occurs after all oral and dental treatments may occur after implant treatment. It is normal for problems such as pain and swelling to occur after implants. To end these problems, your dentist will give you painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. In this way, you can prevent or alleviate the pain after the implant. If the problems that occur despite using these medications do not go away or do not ease, other problems with treatment may have arisen. For this reason, we recommend that you contact your specialist dentist as soon as possible.
How long do the implants last?
The first stage of treatment is completed in about 10-15 minutes. The duration of each implant placement is 3-4 minutes. First, the implants are placed in the jawbone, and then it is expected that the implants will fuse to the jawbone for about 3 months to 6 months, depending.
Are dental implants worth it and last forever?
If proper precautions are taken, a dental implant has a life span of 25 to 30 years on average, which is reasonable for dental implants. This requires treating dental implants carefully and adhering to the doctor’s recommendations. Otherwise, the dental implant’s deterioration period will be very short.
What if I have a problem with the teeth implant?
After a failed implant application or when there is a problem with the implant, a re-implant application can be performed on the tooth. In such adverse cases, the implant area is anesthetized again, and the implant is removed from its place. After that, the inflamed tissues are cleaned. The area can be closed again; bone tissue added if necessary, and the tooth left to heal.
What are Implant Types?
- All on 6 System with a fixed acrylic bridge
All on Six implant treatment is a fixed acrylic-prosthesis technique applied to patients with tooth loss by placing 6 implants at certain angles. Thanks to this method of treatment, even patients without teeth get healthy teeth in a day.
- All on 4 systems with a fixed porcelain bridge
In cases where there’s not enough bone in the back areas, you can make a prosthesis without surgery using implants placed at an angle. With this method, implants can be made on the same day that teeth are taken out. For people who don’t have teeth, implants and fixed prostheses can be made on the same day.
- All on 6 System with a fixed porcelain bridge
All on Six therapy is used for emergency use. This procedure is applied to replace the entire upper or lower set of teeth. It is a fixed porcelain prosthesis technique. Through this treatment method, even patients without teeth may get healthy teeth in a day.